Hearing Aids

Hearing Aids Provider

in the Stamford, CT; Greenwich, CT; & Westchester, NY Area

Guaranteed lowest prices in the Stamford & Greenwich, CT area for all Signia products.

Call today for a free hearing screening!

Our board certified audiologist have the training and expertise to recommend and implant hearing aids. Our audiologist will work with you to decide what hearing aid is right for you based on your level of hearing loss, the appearance of the hearing aid, physical limitations and lifestyle. These factors and many others are important determinants in deciding the perfect fit for your hearing and ears. Get in touch with our office today to get the hearing aid that is right for you in the Stamford, CT; Greenwich, CT; and Westchester, NY area!

Better Hearing is Better Living 

There are many benefits that come along with wearing a hearing aid. One of the biggest benefits is the increased ability to communicate with both loved ones and the outside world. In addition, untreated hearing loss can make everyday tasks, such as talking on the phone, speaking to a waitress even more tedious and frustrating. Routine tasks and daily chores can feel insurmountable but when a person starts wearing a hearing aid it is much easier for them to accomplish the simple tasks that make up so much of their day. Many other daily actions become more dangerous when a person is unable to absorb all of the sensory input, which is why it is important to treat hearing loss as soon as possible.

Styles of Hearing Aids

In the ear and behind the ear styles provide for different levels of comfort, functionality, hearing loss level, visibility and much more.
In-the-Ear Styles

Invisible in The Canal (IIC): This style of hearing aid provides 100% invisibility deep in the ear canal. This is custom designed to fit inside your ear.

Completely-in-the-Canal (CIC)/Mini Canal: This style of hearing aid is not only the smallest but it can be discretely molded to fit perfectly inside of your ear. This can be used for most degrees of hearing loss.

In-the-Canal (ITC): This hearing aid fits partially within the ear. This is generally recommended for those who have mild to moderate hearing loss.

Full Shell or In-the-Ear (ITE): This style of hearing aid is larger than the other in the ear styles. This aid has a longer battery life as well as volume control

Behind-the-Ear Styles

Mini Behind the Ear (BTE):
This is the most discreet type of behind the ear hearing aid. A slim tube and tip are connected together into the ear to have the sound travel through.

Receiver-in-Canal (RIC)/Receiver in the ear (RITE):
Tiny wiring that connects tubing between the small case that sits behind the ear and the actual earpiece. Generally having good manual dexterity is required in order to manipulate the controls on the faceplate.

Open Fit:
A thin tube is attached to the hearing aid making it less visible. This is good for those who have mild to moderate hearing loss due to the ability of providing low to high frequency sounds to come into the ear canal.

How Do I Know If I Need a Hearing Aid?

If you have experienced any of these signs of hearing loss, you made be a candidate for hearing aids:

  • Trouble Understanding: If you have trouble understanding conversations with others and have to ask for things to be repeated, you may need hearing aids. If you cannot hear someone speaking to you in a loud or distracting environment, you should consider calling a hearing specialist.
  • Muffled Sounds: Muffled sounds or sounds that are harder to hear than they used to be are signs that you could be losing your hearing. Hearing aids will enhance your hearing so the sounds are no longer muffled.
  • Trouble Hearing Over the Phone: Although the sound quality in phones may not always be the best, you should be able to at least hear someone through the phone. If you struggle hearing what someone is saying over the phone, you may need to consider hearing aids.
  • Sensitivity/ Pain to Sounds: Certain sounds are jarring in and of themselves, but if you are experiencing pain or feeling sensitive to sounds that aren't as hard for others, you may be losing your hearing. Hearing aids will make it more comfortable to hear these sounds.

What is the Hearing Aid Fitting Process?

If you have been diagnosed with hearing loss, the next step will likely be to get fitted for a hearing aid. It takes precision and expertise to make sure you have the best device for you; this is your opportunity to ensure your new hearing aid fits comfortably and fits properly, as well as what you need to know to properly care for it. Here is what you can expect from the hearing aid fitting process:

  • Before the Fitting: If you have not already met with us to select and order your hearing aids, we will schedule an appointment to do so. If you are getting an in-ear device, we will likely need to take custom mold impressions of your ear so we can make sure the final product fits you properly. When your hearing aids arrive, we will program them to fit your range of hearing loss.
  • Fitting the Hearing Aid: The fitting appointment will involve a sound test both with and without your hearing aid; this allows us to measure how effective the hearing aid is and make adjustments as necessary. We will make sure the hearing aids are fitted correctly and are comfortable to wear. You will likely feel a little unusual, but there should be little to no discomfort.
  • Learning About Your Hearing Aid: Proper care and use of your hearing aids will help you feel more comfortable and keep them in good condition for years to come. We will teach you how to use your hearing aids, including removal and insertion tactics, proper care and maintenance, battery changes, and how to program to different amplification levels. Feel free to ask any questions you like and write things down if you need to. You can also call after your appointment for any further information. We know that this is a major life adjustment!
  • Adjusting: It can take some time to adjust to your new hearing aids, even if you have worn them before. We will help you come up with a gradual schedule to help you get adjusted to your new hearing aids. We will also schedule a follow-up appointment to make sure you don't need any further assistance.

If you want to learn more or if you need to schedule your hearing aid fitting, reach out to our team today!

Contact Us Today for a Hearing Aid Fitting!

There’s nothing worse than not being able to hear, and there are a variety of reasons why you may have lost your hearing. If you find yourself constantly turning up the volume on the TV, have to ask people to repeat themselves, increased sensitivity to certain sounds, or hear ringing in your ears, it is time to call a specialist. Our physicians at Stamford ENT will examine your ears and find a comfortable hearing aid that works with your lifestyle. Give us a call to learn more information or to schedule an appointment. We proudly provide services to Greenwich, CT; Stamford, CT; Westchester, NY; and the surrounding areas. 

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